H Williamson παρέχει πυρόμετρα υψηλής ακρίβειας για μετρήσεις θερμοκρασίας στις πιο δύσκολες παραδοσιακά εφαρμογές.



Έτος Ίδρυσης


H Williamson είναι αμερικάνικη εταιρεία γνωστή για συστήματα μετρήσεων θερμοκρασίας, όπως πυρόμετρα με εφαρμογές για την βιομηχανία των μετάλλων, γυαλιού και κεραμικών, και βιομηχανικής θέρμανσης.

Παρέχει επίσης πυρόμετρα για μέτρηση θερμοκρασίας σε μέταλλα και εξειδικευμένες λύσεις μέτρησης και ελέγχου θερμοκρασίας σε όλα τα στάδια παραγωγής προϊόντων αλουμινίου.

Single-Wavelength Pyrometer Technology

Single-Wavelength pyrometers are preferred when appropriate due to simpler, lower-cost technology.
They are available in Short-Wavelength, Long-Wavelength and Specialty-Wavelength configurations.
For most applications, select the shortest wavelenght compatible with the measurement conditions and desired temperature span.
Specialty wavelengths may be necessary depending on the optical transmission properties of the target.

Multi-Wavelength Pyrometer Technology

Certain materials can be difficult or near impossible to measure with precision using single- wavelength or ratio pyrometers because of their complex emissivity characteristics.
These types of materials are called non-greybody materials and their emissivity varies with wavelength.

TPC – Temperature Process Control System – Aluminum Extrusion

Despite the fact that control systems and infrared thermometers are commonly used in the aluminum extrusion industry,
the Temperature Process Control (TPC) System is the first to effectively merge these two technologies to deliver true automatic temperature-based control in a system that is easy to use

Ratio Pyrometer Technology

Ratio pyrometers are different from single-wavelength pyrometers in that they measure infrared energy at two wavelengths instead of one.
The ratio of energy between the two measured wavelengths is then converted into a temperature value.
This method of measurement allows ratio pyrometers to compensate for emissivity variation, partially filled fields of view and optical obstructions.

Multi-Wavelength MWx-AS Pyrometers for Aluminum Hot Rolling Mils

The Williamson MWx pyrometer uses Dynamic ESP Technology to compensate for more significant variation in surface character and conditions without adjustments. For example, at the aluminum hot rolling mill, the surface character of the aluminum varies dramatically as it goes through the reversing mill, so the traditional MW technology is not appropriate.

Infrared Sensors for the Petrochemical Industry

Williamson infrared sensors offer significant advantages over high maintenance thermocouples in several key chemical and petrochemical processing applications such as Flare Stack Pilot Monitoring, and temperature measurement of Thermal Reactors including Sulfer Recovery Units, Coal Gasification Systems, and Catalytic Crackers.